JONNY HEPBIR GYPSY JAZZ GUITARIST is at Fez Margate on Sunday 24th March at 4pm. Come on down for vintage vibe, Django Reinhardt style swing classics at Margate's quirkiest venue!
A reminder that The JONNY HEPBIR TRIO will be appearing in concert at BRIDGWATER ARTS CENTRE, 11-13 Castle St, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DD on Saturday 13th April.
Theatre doors open from 7pm and performance from 8pm.
To book tickets visit:
This is going to be a brilliant evening of Gypsy Jazz, groovy Bossas, Waltzes and much more with this special edition version of The Jonny Hepbir Trio.
We're really looking forward to being part of the celebrations and the Trio will be featuring the enigmatic accordion virtuoso, Pete Watson.